soo it went two weeks, two nice weeks of no one getting mad at me, but then people started asking why i made it friends only, and just now ally yelled at me, so i give up. only about 20% of the entries will be friends only. but please, please just leave it alone if you dont like what i write. so here's to starting over...
i took this idea from someone's my space, i think it's a good idea...
List All The Things You Can About Yourself That People May Want/Need To Know About You
I work at the DG Public Library and also I hostess. I think hostessing is great because I love people, and my managers love me.
My dream job is to be a journalist in new york city .
I love to drive fast, but I get lost a lot, which makes driving fast and fun.
I got accepted to the three universities I applied to, which makes me think I'm smarter than I really am.
I'm a sucker for hugs.
I wish I could sing, but I know I can't.
Lists are amazing things, I make lists about making lists
Mexican and Italian food is amazing.
I speak spanish almost fluently, and the first phrase I learned was, "your pants would look better on the floor than on you".
I want to live in California or NYC. I hate the midwest and all it stands for.
My friends rock harder than you ever will.
My older brother makes me feel safe and at the same time I feel the need to be the one protecting him.
I almost cried when I learned that Bush won.
Never ever get into a political argument with me, I will own you, hands down.
I do not like it when people try to make me change my opinion. My opinion = mine, so don't take it from me or make me change my mind.
311 is the best driving music, it makes me act crazy-like.
I'm afriad that when I go to Germany this summer I won't want to come back.
I am very protective of the things I own.
I'm confident in the way that I believe I can have what I want, and I haven't really been proven wrong yet. Don't try me though, I will get mad
I hate when people test me on things I know nothing about.
I'm painfully shy around people who matter to me.
If I don't do something different each night I'm out I get frusterated.
Daisies are beautiful and amazing. You get me flowers, I'm all yours.
I hate talking on the phone.
I'm afraid of interuppting you from something, so that's why I text you.
If I do call you, fucking call me back; it took a lot for me to call in the first place.
I'm not into scenes, I do a little bit of everything.
I love experiencing new things, but you have to teach me, not show me.
I have little tolerance for things I'm not good at. The truth is: I'm not used to being only average at things. So things I can't do or am not good at frusterate me. a. lot.
Greenday will always be my favorite band, no matter what.
The one thing I fear the most is being hurt by one of the now four people I trust. If one of them hurts me, I'm not even sure what I would do.
Trust is something not easily tossed around with me. You could be one of my best friends and I still will not trust you unless you're put in a situation reguarding me and I come out of it un-hurt.
The four people I trust are Derek, Allie, Dan Rubel and Pat Farrell.
I love swinging on the swings at parks, and when I am bored I love to color.
I love being with people, and when I'm alone I get jumpy and bored.
I have had boughts of depression, but on average I cannot focus on one thing long enough for it to begin to bring my mood down. 95% of the time you can count on me to be in a good if not better than good mood.
I never think before I speak, and that is why three people dislike me.
I love to read, and I don't care what you think about that. When I'm MIA, look for me first at Barnes and Noble.
I always will tell you the truth. I am a cronic liar only when it comes to my parents.
The one thing that makes me cry the most is being caught in the middle of my parents fights.
Soccer is the best sport to watch and to play, and I love boys who play soccer. Midfield is the best position to play.
I love to run. I run whenever I am stressed or happy. I run all the time.
I could not live without Starbucks.
I know when I'm acting like a brat and I don't care.
It is sometimes hard to calm me down.
I'm a sucker for attention, but at the same time I shy away from it.
Music is the one thing in my life I constantly love, no matter what.
If you argue with me, I will argue back.
I'm a sucker for boys who read and enjoy it. If you're smart, then you're automatically attractive to me.
If you interest me, I will want to talk to you forever.