Nov 20, 2005 22:04
Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish. Through goals and plans, our hopes are transformed into action. Goal setting and planning are acts of faith. Do everything within your power to achieve your goals. Set weekly and daily goals. Goals need to be quantifiable and make you stretch.
Two men formed a partnership. They built a small shed beside a busy road. They obtained a truck and drove it to a farmer’s field, where they purchased a truckload of melons for a dollar a melon. They drove the loaded truck to their shed by the road, where they sold their melons for a dollar a melon. They drove back to the farmer’s field and bought another truckload of melons for a dollar a melon. Transporting them to the roadside, they again sold them for a dollar a melon. As they drove back toward the farmer’s field to get another load, one partner said to the other, “We’re not making much money on this business, are we?” “No, we’re not,” his partner replied. “Do you think we need a bigger truck?”
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. - Isaiah 55:8-9
Faith to ask faith=trust
Faith to follow
Faith to act
Faith to try
Faith to do
Personal Enrichment:
complacence with diligence
grudges with forgiveness
sadness with joy
complaints with thanksgiving
pride with humility
laziness with obedience
distraction with focus
selfishness with love