well, that takes care of that.

May 22, 2005 20:52

Mr. Luke Ryan Ifland
Dear Mr. Ifland,

I am very sorry to inform you that it is not possible to offer you a place as a transfer student at Harvard College during the academic year 2005-2006. I wish I were writing to report a different decision, but the competition was so rigorous that there were many outstanding young men and women to whom we could not offer places.

This year the Committee on Transfer Admissions was faced with many difficult decisions: nearly one thousand students applied for seventy-five places in the sophomore and junior classes. The great majority of the applicants could certainly have been successful here academically, and most candidates presented strong personal and extracurricular credentials as well. The Committee was therefore faced with the necessity of choosing from a great many more talented and highly qualified students than it had room to admit.

We can assure you that the Committee's deliberations were conducted with the utmost care and with the knowledge that no one can predict with certainty what an individual will accomplish during college or beyond. Each application was reviewed thoroughly by admissions officers before the selection meetings and then discussed and voted on by the members of the Committee on Admissions.

We wish it were possible for us to admit more of our fine applicants. We appreciate how difficult the college application process can be for students and their families. However, we have learned from past experience that the particular college a student attends is far less important than what the student does to develop his or her strengths and talents over the next few years.

We very much appreciate the interest you have shown in Harvard College, and we hope that you will accept the best wishes of the Committee for success in all your future endeavors.

Marlene Vergara Rotner
Director of Transfer Admissions
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