In response to the atrocious number of bad sex scenes on and sadly, in published works coughTwilightcough I have complied the following Commandments.
Sister Grimm's Guide For Those Who Are Squeamish About Writing A Sex Scene
1. THOU SHALT: Admit you're writing a sex scene. As stupid as this sounds, if you admit you're writing one, and stop deliberating around the 'implications of' and 'it's going to be very PG-13', even if it's not going to be fleshy or disgusting, admit it. Say it ten times aloud if you must.
2. THOU SHALT: Write what is in your head. If you're thinking 'his teeth bit her nipple', write it. Don't write "his lips brushed her shoulder" just because it sounds less like they're actually having sex. See rule number one. They're having sex. Get over it.
3. THOU SHALT NOT: Use too much imagery. "Her eyes sparkled like the stars" might work. The sentence: "he brushed her breast with gentle fingers like a musician's as the rasberry champagne tip contracted in response" is not going to. Get over it... it detracts from the scene. And you're still not writing.
4. THOU SHALT NOT: Try to be a lady in the scene. It's your writing, not your life. If you write smut, it's okay- that doesn't define you. I do on occasion write sex scenes. That does not make me a slut in any way shape or form... in fact I'm pretty much a nun at the moment (okay, all my life). Writing about suicide or drugs doesn't make you a junkie. So why should writing smut make you a slut?
5. THOU SHALT NOT: Overdo it. There is a line between disgusting and honest. If you want to write fleshed-out, full-frontal smut, don't let me stop you. But taking this list and writing tacky, gross, not-even-smut-it's-so-disgusting-in-the-detail... when I say this I mean taking a microscope and examining every piece of sweat and grunting and flailing and whatever. Sex can be, from what I've heard, unpleasant and awkward. If you're writing a sex scene (as opposed to a rape scene), concentrate on the good parts. Sex sells. Gross fornication does not.
6. THOU SHALT: Write it how you want to. If the emphasis