Apr 30, 2007 19:08
Man, you'd think Delta emerged from bankruptcy or something...(yes, they did today. it's the top story on every newscast and has been breaking news all day long)
Court tomorrow...well, at least as of about 3 hours or so ago. They've probably changed their minds about 4 more times since then. We've already had 3 phone calls today. On from last week, then off, then on, then off, and finally back on again. oh, that would be 4 calls.
My investigator called me this afternoon. He had a gold wedding band, but it didn't sound like Great-Grandma's.
The water bill came today. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I did go up into a higher tier of usage, which I have never done without watering the yard before. My mom laughed and said "that's it?!?" when I told her how much it was, so I won't mention a dollar amount unless pressed.
Tomorrow is the Princess-Kitty's 9th birthday (estimate). She's 9, but since she was adopted, we're estimating her birth date.
Adoption day is in July.
Nineteen years ago today, I wrecked my car. My shoulder aches from the accident today, so the high pressure center must be getting close.
Today, I almost hit two Canada Geese while leaving the office.
Dad's birthday is this weekend. His card plays music :)
My peeps are getting stale.
My lawn people missed a big chunk of backyard yesterday. He'll be here either tomorrow or Wednesday to pick up the part they missed. I don't feel guilty about calling him back out here. I pay a LOT of money to have my grass cut (because I'm lazy and it's damn hot out there)
GCIC sent out a "laptop security update" email, in which the entire bureau was informed about two recent residential burglaries within the last two months where bureau laptops were stolen. At least I'm not the only sucker who is dealing with this nightmare.