Tip of the Hat/Wag of the FInger

Jan 13, 2010 11:29

So, the title of this post is credited entirely to The Colbert Report. And firstly I say a Tip of the Hat to ALL the bands who played last night. I'll post a sort of review in a bit, but they all rocked hard and worked their asses off. It was a night of some truly incredible music, all original, all radio NON-friendly, progressive rock & metal. Fantastic job!
And now, sadly, a Wag of the Finger to Dallas' The Door/Prophet Bar. It was listed that they'd open doors at 7, then Scale the Summit would start at 7:30. Even if they had done *this*, people would have still been outside for part of the first band, seeing as StS only had 30 minutes to play. However, The Prophet Bar ridiculously opened their doors at about 7:20. This ended up meaning that people toward the end of the line didn't get in until halfway through the 2nd act's set. Seriously, some responsibility here, people!
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