[ICish in Boys 7 when everyone is conveniently away]

Oct 29, 2007 21:26

[searching messiah is searching. beware messy room and flying clothes and other objects]

I know I put it here somewhere. Michael didn't even notice it with the rest of them.

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iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 01:44:13 UTC
[ducking the flying comic] Are you sure you didn't lose it?


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 01:50:49 UTC
[trying to crawl under bed now and palming around]

I didn't lose it! I told you it's brand new or something. We had to special order it.


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 01:52:38 UTC
[stepping to where he is and bending to look under upside down] Then I'm really surprised you lost it.


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 02:04:18 UTC
[getting back up and rubbing at his hair while still looking around]

Great. Michael's gonna kill me. He didn't even get to play it yet.


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 02:10:43 UTC
I can take your last rites now if you'd like.

Ah, Setsuna. [can has video game, is waving it]


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 02:17:33 UTC
You might have to if I don -- Oh that's it!

[running over and snatching DS from end table while he's at it]

It's supposed to have voice recognition abilities and everything!


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 02:23:41 UTC
[hands it over] Alright, sounds like fun. What's it about again?


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 02:29:55 UTC
[setting cartridge and starting game, cue angsty childhood flashback scene that leads into ranting]

Beats me. But it's mech and mech's are always fun.


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 02:33:54 UTC

[watching, kind of surprised at tiny tyke]


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 02:38:42 UTC
You know people in robots, huuuge guns and crap like that.

[spots our Lelouch knock-off and starts cracking up]

Oh man this one's just like that guy I ran into a while back. What a stuck-up ass.


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 02:42:42 UTC
Oh, cool!

[looks to Setsuna then the screen]

Really? Do you think it could be him?


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 02:55:10 UTC
No way. That guy could never pilot one of these. He'd spend all his time yelling at every -- On second thought...


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 02:58:12 UTC
[laughs] It very well could be him then. Does he always have that scowl on his face too?


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 03:06:23 UTC
Definitely! But I'd love to see him do this lame emo blinking thing too.

[waits through some more cut scenes]

Damn it for a mech game, this thing sure has a lot of talking.


iyaaalilbro October 30 2007, 03:09:39 UTC
You could get him to, I bet. It just takes the right steps.

Well, they have to assemble a cast and plot... Can we skip it?


sistercomplex October 30 2007, 03:27:07 UTC
Right steps?

[mashing buttons repeatedly]

Doesn't look like it. We have to listen to him bitch at everyone. Man, they owe me a killer fight after this.


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