Mar 04, 2010 01:09
It was nice to see Stanzie! She and I found a little new age niche in downtown Houston called Lucia’s Garden. We spent forever in there and she told me I have too much guilt-ladden baggage and I need to release it if I’m ever going to gain peace.
Ive definitely been watching the first 9 episodes of Sex and the City for the last few hours while I set up my third fishtank. I’m out of control and everyone thinks its nuts except me. I Love pets and I love watching critters.
My car died at IHOP last night cause I left the accessories on too long, listening to music. James and I went to his house to get some cables so he could jump me but we couldn’t figure out where the battery actually was inside Gale. It was fucking freezing and dark out in the back parking lot, so I asked him to take me home. This morning my dad took me by to jump it and I made it home without a problem.
James leaves in less than two weeks. Stanzie leaves at the end of this semester. Aggie moving to Japan and its so frustrating.
I’m pretty hot for Lil Wayne with his face tats and his braids and his smile and his laugh and his yumminess.… Goddddd he’s soooooo cuuuuute. I’ve been listening to the Mix CD that Kim burned for me of his music and to One Republic’s song “All the Right Moves”.