Aug 13, 2010 00:57
I have written and rewritten this particular blog, keenly conscious of my new reader. I guess its dumb to censor myself in my own journal though. I’ll just open with Readers Beware. Today I was supposed to get my laundry going (cause I have no clean clothes) and start my application for A&M so mom wouldn’t be on me about it the whole trip to Vegas. I was supposed to hang out with Stanzie after her chiropractic appointment, but I doubted she’d txt first since she was mad at me for not meeting her out at the club last night. Cherry can’t go out tonight since she’s staying with her sister for the week so I won’t get to see her until after I get back from Las Vegas or Lake Charleston Casino or wherever mom decides we’re going. She needs the vacation more than I do after working so much overtime and taking care of Grandma all the time. Alaina is blowin up my phone trying to get me to order my bridesmaid dress asap. I love the girl but I can tell shes going to be a bridezilla. And I told her so….
Hannah posted the saddest video of military reunions on her Facebook and I watched it twice and cried both times. Then I swiped it and posted it as my own link. :P It’s mostly children crying at their dad’s showing up in their classrooms at school or wives/ girlfriends tackling their husbands/ boyfriends in the airport. It’s really sweet though. The prospect of James coming home in a few months makes everything scarier and easier. It’s awfully confusing, I’ll admit. The wait is so much easier knowing that he may be discharged from the Marines in a few months and never return to military service because of the reinjurable stress fractures in his left foot. Is it weird that him telling me he’s reading the Vampire Lestat makes me want to rip off all his clothes? Lol yes? No?....
I was gonna try to pack tonight and to get JT to go see the Other Guys with me cause it’s been out for a week and neither of us has gone to see it! Will Ferrell’s biggest fans and we haven’t seen his new cop movie… shameful. Jeff is sketching me some tattoos. I txted him last night and told him to come up with some that he thought I’d like. Not that I’m planning on running out and getting a tattoo! This is just brainstorming…. I’m shocked to find that he actually did it. He’s finished two of the three, and he’s going to Email me pictures of them. Who would have guessed the boy would actually do something I asked him to do?? Not me.
I did get dressed today. I did not get my errands done like picking up crickets and getting the dog’s nails cuts… Tomorrow’s buy list for traveling: 90 large crickets, tropical fish food, Black eyeliner pen, Alice in Wonderland DVD, Blue October CD, new Pink CD, 5 Love Languages by: Gary Chapman, If This Bed Could Talk by: Liz Maverick, lip venom, a new labret barbel and a waterproof disposable camera. Aw, and maybe some Bath & Body Works wall flowers in Cider, Vanilla, or Apple for when I get home. Love those…
Now I’m watching Pan’s Labyrinth and txting James and Jonathan =P You’re welcome for the shoutout, gentlemen. I even talked to Myles for a bit today! Wtf? I spent most of the day thinking about what I was going to write and I didn’t even mention how Stanzie and I spent the other night at her apartment with three bottles of wine, some bre & summer sausage & crackers, and candy talking about the men in our lives and the downfalls of the military. Earlier that day we’d gone to MC and I bought the $80 goddess statue I’ve had my eye on for four years!! She was meant for me I just know it. She’s absolutely beautiful with spiders and butterflies and manatees all in her hair. I spotted her during freshman year when Stanzie and I stepped into MC for the first time and she’s been gone for two years! I saw her sitting on the shelf and I had to have her. I’ll say she was a better purchase than Trevor was =(. But still I don’t have the heart to get rid of him… ugh. I should get to bed so I can do my chores in the morning…
PS- I <3 Split Dutch Doors… I want one in my house one day.