A sock.
I hate these kinds of curses. HATE. HATE.
I would much, much rather go through a curse affecting my body than affecting my mind and heart like that. I LOVED A FUCKING SOCK.
I'm so glad that wasn't real. It never bothered me that my vocation would preclude children; I never wanted any, was never even comfortable with them. I wasn't cut out for motherhood, and I don't even want to think about Yumiko's reaction to such a thing. I think I'll wake her tomorrow.
Everyone TOLD me it was a sock, but I couldn't see the damn sock. When I looked at it, I saw a child, my child, family, and when I held him I felt...
You shouldn't feel anything if there's nothing you've lost, and you never wanted it in the first place.
I hate this place.
I'm going to kill something underground now.
Father Anderson, the sock's all yours if you still want it.
Miss Lang, since we've no longer need of babysitters, how does later today sound for that drink we talked about?