Aug 25, 2010 13:15
I have been a little nauseous and having lovely braxton hicks contractions all blessed day. I went to the chiro this morning, which was good, and helped a lot with the aches and pains.
The other good thing is that, for the first time in months, it is significantly under 100 degrees! We even had some rain!
We have been continuing our adventures in potty training. There have been a couple more accidents, but nothing too traumatic. And some times D, will even go to the potty without being reminded. I need to get a bag of M&Ms or something, since we are running low on "chocolate treats" to bribe -- I mean, reward with.
Due to the cooler weather, Daniel and I were able to take a nice long walk this afternoon. We just went down the street a little ways and around the pool out in back of our apartment, but it was really, really nice. We ran into our neighbor and her two dogs, Cookie (who is sort of like Freddy, being rambunctious but basically good natured) and Angel (an extremely old Chow with a funky haircut that makes her look like a slightly demented bear cub). There is another neighbor who has two beautiful Italian greyhound puppies. We also saw a bunch of airplanes. Daniel is undecided about airplanes, ever since he was startled by a particularly low flying one last month. He is fascinated, but also holds very tight to my hand and tells me that he is scared.
Tomorrow is Daniel's second birthday. I sort of can't believe how grown up he is getting -- speaking in sentences and potty training and asserting his independence more and more every day. We are going to have a mostly low key day, just our normal routine, but then after nap time Sam will take him to a parks and rec center that has a really great kiddy wading area, and a few of his favorite people will come for dinner and a "cheese and cocolate" birthday cake.
We got him a couple of little books for gifts -- a Dr. Seuss and an old favorite of mine called "Weekend with Wendell" -- and will give him a little toy broom set from Nova Natural when our finances loosen up a little bit.