Avengers article!

Jun 12, 2012 14:20

Why movie Hawkeye is actually a very poor example of an archer. (I.e., pointing out the glaring mistakes in his form.) I love articles like this, don't find them to ruin the movie or be overly nitpicky or anything like that, because it teaches me as an author and artist how to get this stuff right. And also I love to see pros talk about this stuff when it directly relates to things I'm interested in.

I haven't bothered to look for similar observations on Natasha's form, but do feel the need to point out that shooting double handed is a good way to waste bullets and not much else. (Protip! Shoot with one gun so you can, you know, actually aim, switch out the magazine when you run out of bullets, and keep the second gun in reserve.) Really, shooting double you're going through bullets twice as fast as you need too so both guns are going to run out before too long, and then you have to holster each one while you switch out the magazines in both of them. You are therefore crippling your accuracy, cutting your shooting time in half, and spending twice as long reloading while meanwhile you don't have a useable weapon to whip out if a monster jumps you in the middle of your reload.

No, really, I loved Avengers. I think they did a great job of giving everyone time in the spotlight. Natasha and Clint's battle buddy "I got your back" relationship is just the kind of thing that makes me squee, the scenes with Banner and Natasha and Banner and Tony were wonderful, and I loved that Cap and Tony were constantly butting heads.

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