Not quite sure where this came from, but it wanted to be written (in a hurry, too), so...
Title: Anachronism
Words: 500
Characters: Vincent, plus Tifa cameo
Rating: PG
Summary: It was the little things.
Spoilers: Well, for FFVII, but none other than that. Set between FFVII and Advent Children.
Warnings: None.
It was never the big things that threw him off -- always and only the little ones. )
Comments 11
I'm fascinated by displaced characters, particularly those who have a gap in their lives -- Sora and Riku's period of absense from the islands (particularly Sora's year asleep), Vincent's thirty-year stasis, and to a lesser extent Leon, Aerith and Yuffie's several-year exile from Hollow Bastion. There's just something poignant about it that appeals to me.
I didn't really think to hard about it until I realized that it'd be the equivalent of going to sleep in 1977 and waking up now. Which would be... difficult to get used to.
(I'm given to understand that, if I like displaced characters, I should play FFX. Well, I really should anyway. I'm sooooo behind on games.)
(I keep hearing things I listened to in middle school played as quasi-oldies, and it makes me startle every time. I'm not that old. ;) )
His clothes really are something. :D Since he must have noticed by now that long red cloaks aren't exactly your average daywear, I figure he must just like it. He certainly does enough posing and cloakswirling. ;)
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