So. I post a bit of a variety of stuff to this journal, and -- well, I am always torn between not boring the people who don't want to read my wittering, and not wanting to hide it from people who do. So! I'm considering instituting some filters. That way, if you're just here for the fanworks, well, then that's all you have to see -- and if you want more, you can get it.
Right now, I don't really use filters. Fanworks get posted publicly; everything else goes to a general flock. (There are a few more private filters, but that's another topic entirely. This is for the opt-in filters.)
Fanworks: This is the stuff that you really can't not see, because I don't lock it at all -- fanfic, drabble prompts, fanmeta essays and essaylets (by fanmeta I mean things like
meandering on Ed's aesthetic sense.) Since it's the primary purpose of the journal, it's all public, and it's going to stay that way; I'm listing it for completeness. (The only exceptions are things like FSTs/fanmixes and other music posts, which would be locked for please-nobody-sue-me purposes, but only to a general friendslock, not a filter.)
Reaction Shots: This is for the often-squeeful-and-only-semicoherent immediate-response stuff I post while watching or playing something. It's usually highly spoilery (behind a well-marked cut, of course) and full of squee and irreverent running commentary. For examples, see this (spoilery!)
reaction shot toward the end of FF6, or this more recent (also spoilery)
reaction shot for the second episode of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. (I may decided to default to leaving this unlocked, too, unless a lot of people don't want to see it.)
Writing Meta: This is where goes everything from considered 'let's ponder writing process in an intelligent fashion!' stuff goes, all the way down to 'argh story WHY WHY WHY.' Also, progress reports, once I get organized enough to use them.
Recipes: This is for, well, posting recipes, including fan recipes like
Jean Havoc's 'Why Can't I Get A Date?' Triple-Garlic Pasta.
Recs: I hardly ever do this, but I do occasionally, so... This woud be recs for other peoples' fic, vids/AMVs, art, and so on.
Personal: This is for, well... everything else!
So! In the poll below, indicate what you, personally, would like to see in my journal. (Don't worry -- you can opt back out or back into these at any time, and I'll make a more permanent post for people to opt in or out.)
Poll If the results are such that most people want to see most things, I might not implement all these as individual filters. Right now, this is just for info-gathering.
If you have me friended on multiple services, you only need to answer once, although you're welcome to answer more than once if you like ticking tickyboxes ;)
hey, would you look at that! a journal meta post that doesn't have anything to do with Dreamwidth!