Friending Policy and Journal Management Miscellania

Apr 11, 2025 19:40


First things first: you don't have to friend me to get at the fic. All of the fic is available outside the lock. You can start with all the fic, or go by fandom -- primarily Fullmetal Alchemist, Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy XII, as well as several rarer fandoms. Fic is also tagged by character, pairing and other esoterica. All tags are here. (Coming soon: a master ficlist, and an actual archive website.)

So what's inside the friendslock? Music, writing meta, recipes, and occasional other stuff. I try not to talk about my life too much -- this is a fandom journal -- but pretty much anything that's not straight-up fic or fanmeta goes behind the lock.

I will friend back anyone who asks, or anyone who friends me, provided you're not my boss or my mother. (Sorry, Mom.) If you friend me (and you're welcome to do so at any point -- no need to ask permission), I'll add you back, but it can take a week or two for me to notice that my flist has changed -- for faster service, drop a note here. No explanation is necessary, but it's always nice to know how you found me.

Also, a note: I try to cover my Internet tracks pretty well, for a variety of reasons, mostly to do with not wanting my employer to find my potentially-copyright-infringing porn. ;) If you know, or figure out, who I am -- either my actual RL identity or an online handle I use that's more closely connected to my RL identity than this one -- please do me the courtesy of not outing me. Thank you!

journal logistics

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