I know, I know

Apr 04, 2012 20:35

I never post, and rarely comment.

Between the crippling anxiety and depression, life has been shit. I hate Brisbane, I hate being close to family and I loathe my job. We have gone past option A: get a new job, and are into option B: part time for both of us. Which includes the possibility of a Phd for me.

Which is why I'm posting. I have no clue on Phd stuff - I'm already the most educated in my entire extended family (including in-laws). So I turn to you, precious internet friends, for help. Chiefly, are these appropriate subjects? Interesting? Does anyone care? Can anyone help? Anyone? I'm trying not to let the anxietqy use my ignorance as proof I'm useless, but it's difficult. Anyway, this is a quick list.

Fandom social bubbles - normalising RPF, noncon, chan (ok, just realised this makes it look like I think RPF is like noncon/chan - I don't! I was more referring to the hardcore contingent)
Rose reading glasses - what I like is life changing, unless you don't like it, then it's not anything remotely close to harmful, and what I don't like is trash and is corrupting the young
Taking the nuclear option - intolerance and impossible behaviour in online feminism
Fandom as tabloid as fiction
Homosocial homophobia as fandom normality; gay sex or GTFO
Memes as social barometers

This entry was originally posted at http://geek-anachronism.dreamwidth.org/3267.html and you can comment there if you'd like.


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