I might puke.

Oct 01, 2006 22:44

I'm so fuuuuuuull. And I've eaten so much shit today. Really for no other reason than because it was there. Cereal, chicken sandwich and fries, grilled chicken and ratatoulli and ice cream. Ok well when I write it out it doesnt sound like all that much.....but it's a lot more than what I've been eating for the past month or so. My appetite is pretty much crap and I get full on portions that used to just get me started on a normal meal. I hopped on the scale this morning...and I've lost another 5 lbs. I think it's a combination of not eating much and kickboxing twice a week. Have I mentioned how much I love kickboxing lately? I don't think I have, so here it is: I really just love it to pieces. My imaginary opponent gets the everloving shit beaten out of them and I couldn't be more pleased. :) It's a great release after dealing with stupid employees at work, burns lots of calories, increases flexibility and agility, and adds in some self-defense skills for good measure. You want to steal my purse in a parking lot? How about a roundhouse to the HEAD! HI-YAAAA! Mmmmmmhm. So there's that. Nothing of real interest is going on these days so I'm talking about a whole lot of nothing...but I feel I should give Michelle something to read in her downtime. ;) That's right; I'm a giver.

Work has been interesting. My group and I have been a screwdriver short of knocking down our cube walls a la Office Space. Our motivation is gone! We kinda just show up to work, talk on IM, take long breaks and lunches, and make sure to keep a lot of piles of paper on our desks to give the illusion that we're very busy and there's no way we can take on new projects. It's all quite genius. Of course I still have idiot employees running to me with all their stupid problems...and no amount of paper will ever keep them away.

Does anyone happen to have a spare can of primer? And if so, would you like to donate it to the my-apartment-walls-have-been-half-primed-for-over-a-month-and-I-need-more-but-cant-afford-it-right-now fund? That would be swell. :)

Kellys cryptic message of the day: Hell can't be all that bad, right?
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