(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 14:09

Hm. I haven't posted anything on here in a good 3 months. I could be a third of the way through a pregnancy and y'all wouldn't be the wiser!!! Ok well, if you saw the way I was drinking on Saturday night you might be the wiser but shut up. I only have one piece of news I feel is important enough to document! After months upon months of despising my job, I got pretty fierce and started applying for a number of jobs. Thursday (as in 2 days from now) I have two interviews scheduled. The one job I was really interested in hasn't contacted me ...though I did just apply for it yesterday. There's this thing called patience. Some say it's a virtue. I say it's stupid and I don't have it. I'm still crossing my fingers that they call me! Anyway, I'm basically checked out of work. I show up every day but I don't really do anything. I have major Office Space syndrome going on right now. I'm an electric screwdriver short of breaking down the walls of my cubicle. Dress code? Who needs it!? Even though it's 100 degrees outside, it's about 60 degrees inside so I'm wearing a denim jacket. One of the girls just came up and said, 'Ummm......you're wearing a denim jacket. We aren't supposed to wear denim.' So I said what every good employee would say: 'Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?' She didn't say anything and went back to her desk. I tell ya, I am a sheer delight. :)

Cross your fingers for me you guys!! I need a new job!!!!
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