CAUTION: This is really boring...

Jan 29, 2006 16:03

You know what the best thing about NOT being a size 0 is? Well aside from not having to look like a skeleton, I guess there isn't much. But it's always a delight to have 2 friends who ARE size 0 with you whilst roaming around at a show finding boys to buy drinks. Oh it also helps when those two size 0's are family members of the band. BONUS! All this equals many free shots for yours truly!!! Two of them I wasn't even present for, they were brought to me!! Clearly, there is a God. And he wants to jack me up. Last night was fun. Bimbos in SF to see Super Diamond....which is code for upstairs at Bimbos to drink the bands alcohol while they're on stage and roam around looking for more free alcohol from the already intoxicated crowd. Niiiiiiiiiice. Randy and Kris fixed up my bed/couch for me to stay over, but by the time we got home I was totally not drunk or even buzzed so I just drove home. And went to bed at 6:30am!! But not before having the worlds greatest nachos!!! Randy stood in line for 45 minutes at this place to get them and seriously...I have never had such exquisite nachos. If I could remember the name of the place I would tell you all so you could experience it too. Oh so good!

Anyway, this month has been interesting so far. Due to my piece of crap bank account I didn't get to go down to visit Traci--WAAAAAAH! I was really looking forward to it but I'm just gonna have to postpone it for a month or so. POO-POO! February is turning out to be one busy mf-er. I have all my weekends booked already...whats the big idea?? I feel popular, but then I look at my weekdays and that feeling flies right out the window.

Classes start on Tuesday and luckily I have been able to acquire three out of four of the books I need off of Craigslist, therefore saving me $120 so far. I have my political science book to get still, but I've got some time for that. The class is only Fridays and the first class has been cancelled sooooooo that works for me. I promise that someday I WILL graduate.

Work is fair. Some days are better than others. Friday I wanted to kill my boss. I mean seriously, it's like she wanted me to kick her in the face...but luckily I didn't. Mood swings piss me off and she is the queen of them!!!! I've also decided I'm going to pretend I smoke. Those fucking smokers go on like 10 breaks everyday! "I neeeeed a cigarette." Fuck you, do your job. RAAAR! It pisses me off!!

So after my hellish day on Friday, we went out to Harlows to see Tainted Love and drink our weight in alcohol. Shelley has had a crappy week too so she was totally game. We threw down a lot of beer, and then somehow we were at Safeway buying a lot of donuts!!! I think I had's all very blurry!!! So basically this diet is in shambles right now. Friday: copious amounts of beer and donuts. Saturday: beer, shots and fantastic nachos. Sunday: so far so good!!

Useless fact: the city of Woodland has been approved to hire an additional police officer whose sole objective is to wait outside of bars to see if anyone tries to drive and give out DUI's. My brothers friend got one last week. This applies to absolutely zero people reading this, but maybe you know someone who likes to go to bars in Woodland (????). Those bitches are takin a bite out of crime!!

I'm still looking for a 1/bd downtown if anyone knows of anything available or coming available before April. My limit is $650. Thank you, please drive through.
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