Dec 16, 2005 21:44
How the hell is the year over in 2 weeks? I don't know where the effing time went because really by now, I had hopes for a lot of things being taken care of. Oh well. I'll just add them to my list-o-resolutions for next year. I miss SF. :( But my oh my is it nice to be back in the swing of things. The past week and a half seriously have flown by and I've been busy as all getout! Especially today, which is why I'm at home on a lovely (read: FREEZING!) Friday night. I'm having some hot chocolate--because I'm 7 years old--and then I'm going to bed as soon as my room warms up. I am majorly tuckered out! Work has been really busy ever since I got back. I'm implementing new procedures that I hope to put into effect with the beginning of the new year. Peeps seem to be more motivated at that time, so why not. It was great being welcomed back by everyone and hearing stories of the crap girl they hired in place of me. Talk about an ego boost! I loved it!
Has anybody else noticed how cold it is?! Is this normal?? I know I was gone the past 2 winters, but really, was it always this cold?? When I get in my car to go to work in the mornings it's 38 degrees outside. WHAT?! It doesnt help that my brother won't let me turn on the heater for more than 10 minutes. :( Since the house is so tall, all the heat goes up to the empty space where NOTHING is and then I freeze downstairs. BOO HOO! Anyway, it's cold. Jack and I have had to move our nightly outings from 7:30 to immediately upon my arrival home from work simply because it is at least 10 degrees warmer. For reals.
I love Christmas!! I see all kinds of coats that I am in LOVE with but dammit I can't bring them all home with me because....well I'll get arrested when I run out of the store with them. Sigh. They're so cute!!! But Christmas, yes, I love it. Happy people, pretty lights, holiday spirit, uuh other 'spirits' ;), and yummy goodies!! Tomorrow we are doing our annual baking out at the shop. Traci, Tarese, Mom and I will be baking the day away and making lots of tasty treats to pawn off on people and make them love us. Well at least that's what I'm doing. I'm taking them into work early in the week so it gives people a few days to gather up something to give me before Christmas gets here. HA!! It's genius!!!! I'm just kidding. For the most part. Next weekend is going to be wild!! Friday, Saturday and Sunday are parties and gatherings and the like!! I just might need to buy myself some holiday attire!!! No not giant jingle ball necklaces or earrings like I used to have (it's true--Traci can vouch for me...sigh...), but maybe a cute sweater or blingin necklace...OR A NICE COAT!! WHAT!! :)
What's going on with any of y'all for New Years?? I don't know what's going on. Well I shouldn't say that. I know what's going on, but I haven't really been struck by anything yet so I'm still on the prowl. Hopefully this indecisiveness won't end up with me and my mom cutting newspapers into confetti in her living room. But if it does, I'll totally be drunk so it's ok.