Sep 07, 2005 12:32
Hey everyone!
I know what ya'll are thinkin, how can you possibly post so soon after that HUGE one yesterday! Well....I'm just chatty recently! I go through spurts! :)
This morning didn't start off so great, cuz I overslept! MWF I drive Anna (when she's here) and Josh to school. Well we have to leave at 7 to make it on time! WELL...I woke up when mom walked into my room at 7:10 asking: did you forget that you're supposed to drive today? Well I was like OOPS! I got up quickly brushed my teeth, threw on some clothes, applied a little makeup and fixed my bedhead pigtails! My part was absolutely terrible, but since I slept in them, couldn't do anything about it! OH WELL! I got Josh to school five minutes late and I arrived fifteen minutes late, but thankfully I wasn't the only one late! I was thankful that the teacher we had today took roll at the end of class. My math teacher and his wife had their first baby, so we had a substitute. She was good. I actually understood what she was saying. I've been a little lost this semester, I get it, but it's not crystal clear like it used to be.
Well I went to my next class (interpersonal communications, which I love by the way!) My teacher had us do an exercise that we didn't have to share with the class, but it was something for us to think about and it related to what we talked abou today! Thought I'd share:
He asked us to write 10 sentences about what we think about ourselves. They have to start off with I AM... and they can be like what my social traits, physical traits, talents, values are and etc.
I am a Christian (1)
I am shy when I'm around people I don't know
I am an outgoing/loud person around people I do know and love
I am short
I am a people pleaser (3)
I am very protective of the ones that are close to me (2)
I am very emotional
I am a student
I am a procrastinator
I am unsympathetic the majority of the time, unless I've experienced it myself
After we were done writing them he wanted us to re-read the sentences and go back and number the ones important to us 1 as being most important. Look at the numbers, he told us to look at the 3rd one and was like, okay....if that wasn't you, what would you be like, think about your life if that wasn't part of who you are. Have there been people in your life who've made you that way, influenced you somehow? He did the same with 2 and 1. But at first I was like..okay, not really. But when I got to 1, I was like WHOAH! I wanted to be like, Good Word, you got me thinkin! My parents, family, and friends have all influenced me, and I'm a Christian. What would my life be like if I didn't have a Christian family. What would my life be like if I wasn't? I know you think about this kinda stuff, and I have before, but today it was like I heard again for the first time! I was like, I'm gonna write about this today! Today this stood out to me big time, made me think, and I just wanted to share. :)
lol...funny story! I went to my Comp 2 class and my teacher is kinda weird. She's like 70 and is really into energy, giving back to mother earth, the environment, politics. Well...we have to do an essay next week on the causes/effects of pollution on the environment. I think last Friday we watched a video in class about the Chesapeake Bay and the pollution causing the oysters to die and how they are wanting to restore it! Well I thought it'd be boring, but it wasn't that bad. I wasn't like, I'm going to go save the Chesapeake Bay, it was just something I've never seen and it was kinda interesting. she started asking us to develop and outline and asked us what the different causes were effecting the environment. Well she made a comment about how we shouldn't eat cows cuz the farms and junk are making nitrogen and that's getting into the water which eventually gets to the bay to kill the grasses which doesn't give enough oxygen to the fishes and the fishes die which steals more oxygen and then oysters die! Yadda yadda yadda! A student (loud and obnoxious) shares her opinion on how we are the top of the food chain who cares about the cows and stuff like that, they were created for us to eat. Well my teacher was like if you're in to energy at all, think about the awful energy the cow is producing right before he has to be slaughtered, he's in pain and junk, and then we go and eat that energy. LOL...I was like lady. Jeesh. But whatever! She got all pissy with the class cuz everyone was like eat cows and pigs and she's like guys can be all cute and think it's funny, but you're taking away from the earth and it's all a big web. Anyways, I was quiet the entire time, actually I was texting and laughing, and didn't add anything to the conversation. That conversation took up like 20 minutes of our class period! I've decided that you can't fix ALL the worlds problems, but you can't ignore them either. Yes you do need to take care of the environment, but there's a balance. I'm not really into this whole thing, but I do admit she has said somethings that have made sense, but I don't think she should've jumped all over the students today for eating cows/pigs. It was just like, yes, you don't eat meat. The student should've just kept her mouth shut, cuz directly after she was done, like three more people made stupid comments that they knew she would've had a problem with. It's easier for everyone if you just keep your opinions to yourself. Good stinkin grief. I felt like I left a circus ring. I almost felt dizzy.
Anywho. That's been my day so far. That last paragraph is kinda random...not organized...thoughts not really complete, that's cuz they weren't completed today. If I typed all that was said, I would be typing till like 8 tonight! Well I'm gonna go! I have a quiz to study for my class tonight! But I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! :) MISS YOU! Can't wait to get hugs, I really want a hug today! :)
LOVE YA'LL! Beck :)