Shabby Retro Chic?

Oct 10, 2010 18:19

Right before I left San Diego my mom gave me these cool, metal, vintage patio chairs that had been painted over a dozen times. I convinced myself that at some point I would strip off all their paint, spray them a nifty color, make seat bases and upholster them in some zany outdoor fabric. Ambitious? yes. Did I really think I would ever do it? Not really ...

But! Since The Boy spent all day today diligently working in my studio pulling wiring, I wasn't able to do any of the latex projects on my plate. I didn't want to just futz around the house or do laundry or any of the other annoying chores I have piling up here. When he complained that his ass was tired of being waffle printed by the milk crate he's been sitting on outside to smoke, I thought - hey! I should work on those cool chairs!

Little did I know I would start an adventure of finding a Jo-ann's for foam, a Home Depot trip for staples and spray adhesive and I'd have to pull The Boy off his much more important project to cut seat bases for me. But, he was the one with the brilliant idea of upholstering them using this kick-ass sparkly pink vinyl I've been carrying around with me for years waiting for just the right project.

Since I wanted to be able to sit on them today I decided to wait to paint them and do the seat cushions first. Man, it's much harder to upholster than those youtube videos make it seem. But - they turned out pretty cool! I want to paint the chairs some obnoxious color like teal, but The Boy loves the (and I quote) Juxtaposition of the brand new sparkly vinyl against the old chipped paint and rusty metal." So, now I'm torn. More work, but fancy painted chairs or shabby retro chic??

Chair Before


Sparkly pink vinyl!


Now I'm motivated to start my next project - rewiring and definitely painting this nifty vintage chandelier! Wonder if the youtube how-to on this will be as easy ...

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