...and I'm up but don't have to go to work. I woke up around 5:30 and can't stop my brain from thinking. I'm definitely working some things out, and they're heart things but my brain REALLY wants to be a part of it all, so it is keeping me up. I wish I was a good meditator and could let these thoughts go, instead I grab hold and begin discussing them with myself and the people in my head that I picture myself having a conversation with.
In the midst of all this mental mastication, I remember thinking of
winterlady and
bugfish because I wondered (yes, while having fake conversations with others in my head, another part of my brain was actually thinking this simultaneously) who would actually be interested in what I was currently hashing out in my head. I in no way am implying that I don't love ALL my LJ friends - you are all very special - but my brain chose those two at the crack of dawn this morning. For no logical reason, I am still so happily surprised they are my friends! (Thanks
consectari, catalyst extraordinaire) And since the things I'm working out is around human connection and the baffling-ness of it all, it makes sense I thought of them (you two!) and smiled.
I am deeply grateful to all of you who read my drivel, but today I'm calling out
winterlady and
bugfish cuz I've never told them, Thank you for being my friends.