Yeah, it's been a while

Nov 18, 2008 19:23

So consectari nudged me and reminded me that I haven't posted for a very long time (3 weeks)!!  Pretty ballsy for someone without internet access.  LOL  Just Joshin'

I've been busy trying to adjust to my working schedule and doing Halloween things.  When I'm home there is so much going on that I get lost in the daily activities of my sister and her family.  Not a bad thing to do, but consectari is right - I need to keep up with the things the I need.  Gotta get my "Sissy Time!"  Writing on here is always so helpful and I feel like I'm talking to friends, getting stuff off my chest, etc.  I've just been neglecting it.  Yet, it's all I can do to get time to read a book without my someone talking to me, asking me to do something or one of my cats getting into trouble. :-)

Now, I'm preparing for Thanksgiving and that dreaded retail holiday season since I'm working at Apple.  I find myself very tired early in the evenings and I get angry that I do so cuz I only get adult time after the kids go to bed at 7:30pm - and that's when I get tired and should be going to bed too, but I want to stay up and watch a little boob tube, hang with Lou and Joe, ya know.  Adult stuff, adult time.  I don't even have kids and I have to find adult time.  It's a bit of a switch for a single girl with cats.  I used to be able to do what ever I wanted, now I'm confined to a family schedule.  Not really, but I want to be a part of the family goings ons so it's a trade off I make, I guess.  In the end, I miss a lot of my on-line time.  The net doesn't come in very well in my room so I have to go on-line upstairs and that's where all the distractions are.  Alas.  It's bitter sweet.

Like right now I could take a cat nap while the kids are being read their bedtime book....  hmmm.... good idea!

I promise to update more consectari!  Keep me honest, k!!!!
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