Jul 08, 2009 23:01
So I've figured it all out.... I want off the gossip train please! Unfortunately I've been dragged on this train unwillingly and all is wrong in my world because of it. Since when did people start speaking for me? If others had just kept my name out of their mouth weeks ago then drama wouldn't have started in the first place. How is it that your life can be affected by things said ABOUT you when you have nothing to do with what is being said? In addition... if people don't stop projecting my thoughts and reactions I'm going to scream! I'm 28 years old for crying out loud!!! Could I have a CHANCE to react in a present and harmonious way? To be honest.... I could care two iodas about him or the relationship that is out there.... whateve.... what I'm pissed about is that everyone wants to assume that I'll react poorly and that they pretend to want to "protect" my feelings when truthfully they are all afraid of the confrontation that may or may not occur. The other problem is this... if you don't feel like you're doing anything wrong... then why hide it? You hide it because you know that somehow someway you know that it will hurt your friend (me) and that you either A. shouldn't be doing it, or B. don't feel good about doing it. People don't claim that honesty is the best policy because it isn't... they say it because it is!!! And with that being said.... waiting days, weeks, or months and then being honest still counts as being dishonest! Be upfront.... live your life and accept your choices... take responsibility and admit when you've hurt someone or done something crappy... maybe it wasn't done with malice or intent but it hurts still the same. I appreciate and admire those people who live their life with integrity and grace. I aspire to be like you and hope that I give my friends as much honesty as I can. I admit when I've jumped overboard with something and I try to make amends when I've done wrong.... other than that I'm human but I wish others would treat me like I am and give me a chance to live my life the way I want to live it.... not the way they view it in their minds!!