Title: Shining Stars
Disclaimer: I don't own them, J.K does. Also the song is Mama Cass Elliot's. Also not mine.
Summary: Harry and Draco finally have some alone time. Nothing smutty...yet.
Beta: the ahmazing
Rating: G
Warnings: past mpreg, fluff, heavily sprinkled with song verse. But not a song fic! Not I tell you!
“I’ve put her to sleep... Come on.”
Harry’s eyes had something that Draco recognized from years ago. A fire, that had softened after Lily’s birth, and here it was again, in all its glory, and Draco’s heart leat. It was all Draco could do to make sure the house didn’t burn down. He caught the offered hand in his own and was lead to the balcony.
A song heard lifetimes ago was playing softly, and Draco could only barely make out the words...
Stars shining bright above you;
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you."
Birds singing in the sycamore tree.
Dream a little dream of me.
The stars were shining and the moon was half a golden sphere, and the fairies that only existed in Lily’s imagination seemed to have spread the sky with golden dust, illuminating everything, and, making everyone, more beautiful in its ethereal glow.
Say nighty-night and kiss me;
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.
While I'm alone, blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me.
Harry’s hands went around Draco's waist, and they swayed in a rhythm that didn’t really match the song. Harry had never championed the art of dancing, slow or otherwise, but Draco didn’t mind, because Harry’s arms were warm and inviting. The kisses that Harry was gently pouring over his neck were more than inviting.
Stars fading but I linger on, dear---
Still craving your kiss.
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,
Just saying this...
“I love you.” If only Draco could get his throat to work, he would have echoed Harry, but he opened his eyes, which had closed without his realization, and he hoped that they showed what he felt. That feeling, that couldn’t possibly be expressed with just words.
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you---
Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you.
But in your dreams, whatever they be,
Dream a little dream of me.
“Will you marry me?”
Draco said a very quiet yes before fainting dead away.
The End