Well, I went to my midwife appointment today.
I'm up a total of 41.5 lbs to 154.5. That's up 2 lbs from last week. I'm 2 cm dialated and 70% effaced. Baby's head is LOW and she's in perfect position. Blood pressure was 98/60. I'm negative for GBS and everything is looking good!!
I'm 13 days from my due date. Alexander's school starts on Wednesday, 16 August. I hope I make it past his first day of school!!
I am getting ready but I still have things I want to do:
- Deposit a check
- Buy school shirts for Alexander
- Get Alexander a haircut
- Get Alexander school shoes
- Clean blinds
- Wash windows
- Clean both bathrooms
- Mop floors
- Get car detailed
- Get massage
- Drop Thank You notes off at ex-work
- Get a nursing bra or 2
- Put away clean laundry
- Wash futon cover
- Wash living room upholstery
- Get air purifier
Will I get the list completed before baby??
We did get the belly cast done -- well, part of it. It still needs to be standed, gessoed, plastered and painted. We've got time for all that!