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wishingforvilla November 21 2010, 05:04:26 UTC
Name: Rise Kujikawa
Source Canon: Persona 4
Age: 15
Role In Canon: Main Character / Battle Support. Rise is part of the Investigation Team, but unlike the other members she is nonplayable.
Justification: N/A
History: Wiki Link

Personality: Rise Kujikawa is a girl of many faces, albeit unintentionally since even she isn't sure who she is.

One the surface she is cheerful, flirtatious, and for lack of a better term, a 'girly girl'. She likes attention, likes to play and be active, and is friendly with just about everyone. She loves spicy food, likes fashion, and is very concerned with her appearance. Sometimes she can be selfish and petty, but usually about things that don't matter. She has mounds of energy and can come off as rather air-headed at times, but she isn't truly.

As a Japanese teen idol she is forced to act in a very particular way. This 'way' is a greatly exaggerated version of her surface personality, and may indeed be responsible for the existence of that surface personality entirely. Rise has been working as an idol for a very long time doing commercials, singing, and she was even in line to star in a movie before she quit. Despite being new she gained popularity quite quickly which was something she had desired for a long time, but as she says, the person everyone liked was Risette (as she is called in her role) not Rise. This combined with the stress of the fast-paced life instilled her with a great degree of depression and bitterness, and made her decide to quit.

In truth Rise can actually be quite shy. Not quiet in the typical sense that people think of shy. She is always willing to say hi to a person and talk and hang out with them, but it is almost always under the guise of a personality that she thinks they would most like, and rarely ever her genuine self. The reason she went into the business was in part to escape the large amounts of bullying she endured in school due to said shyness. She was also very weak-willed and a bit of a pushover since she came from a very strict family, with parents who weren't the most caring. She has her moments of being incredibly quiet and reserved-particularly when she is troubled by something, but when around others she tries to keep on a smile nonetheless. Rise alters her personality a lot to try and fit that of whomever she is with-even when she joins the team she says "Well, I know i sounded gloomy and all from stress, so... I-I thought you might not like me that way..."

While she isn't the brightest bulb when it comes to academics, and her impulsiveness can land her in more than one sticky spot, she isn't stupid, and one almost uncomfortable talent of hers is her ability to read others. This probably explains the nature of her Persona, Himeko/Kanzeon, but Rise has a particular knack for understanding others, and how they feel. This may have sprung from the countless types of people her job has forced her to meet, or perhaps from that fact that as a lonely child all she could ever do was observe others. Probably a combination of both.

As the representative of the Lovers Arcana, Rise is, unsurprisingly, a very loving person. She is very open-minded and forgiving; sure she'll have her childish bouts of anger towards a person, but they go as easily as they come. It's very hard for her not to like a person, or at least be curious and sympathetic with them. Despite her problems and the nastiness she has endured from many other people both due to her nature and status, she is a genuinely optimistic person and holds faith in many people. As Risette she used her status to help awareness campaigns, so she could be considered a bit of a humanitarian as well.


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