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reliablekiller November 21 2010, 05:02:28 UTC
Player Information
Name: Dalrint
Personal Journal: dalrint
Contact Info: aim: farobservr
Other Characters: Nope

Character Information
Name: Mireille Bouquet
Source Canon: Noir
Age: 20
Role In Canon: Main character
Justification: Dobedo.
History: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mireille_Bouquet

But I have one written up if you’d rather have that. Mireille is being taken from shortly after the second episode of the show, timeline wise.


Mireille is a cold woman, a side effect of a life of loss and death. That isn’t to say she is incapable of emotion, there are people she loves and cares about and things that she enjoys, but in her work, and in many ways the rest of her life, she has forced herself to remain distant. She has learned to do what is necessary, when other people cannot.

She has a very analytical mind, capable of puzzling out traps and tricks with ease. The downside of that is she has a lot of trouble refusing a puzzle or a challenge, wanting to solve every one that slides across her life.

She is dedicated to her job, and extremely loyal to the concept of a ‘contract.’ Unless absolutely necessary, she will not break an agreement once she has forged one, and cannot be bribed or goaded into doing so.

Killing is not something that came naturally to her, it was a skill she had to learn, but learning it has had a strong effect on her. Life has become a commodity for her, a game of weight and balance…this person is worth that, this person is necessary for this. She made a promise to Kirika, her partner…when they solved the mystery, when they found out what was happening…Mireille would kill her. And she has every intention of following through with that. At least then.


reliablekiller November 21 2010, 05:07:09 UTC
Abilities: Mireille is an expert shot with handguns and sniper rifles, and trained in several forms of hand to hand combat. She also fluent Italian, Corsican, English, French, and Russian. She’s conversational in German and Japanese.

She has no ‘abilities’ beyond a normal human, though.


Perhaps here.

Or this would probably work.

And here!

And let’s go with this.

I can write something up else for you if you like.


REVISION REQUESTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 05:38:44 UTC
♥ Your samples are definitely good and show voice more than well enough. But we'd like to see the personality fleshed out a bit more. Since Mireille is a main character, see if you can roughly double the wordcount expanding on the traits you've given and how they tie together to form her character.


Re: REVISION REQUESTED reliablekiller November 21 2010, 05:55:37 UTC
I do so hate personality sections. Here you are.

Mireille is a cold woman, a side effect of a life of loss and death. That isn’t to say she is incapable of emotion, there are people she loves and cares about and things that she enjoys, but in her work, and in many ways the rest of her life, she has forced herself to remain distant. She has learned to do what is necessary, when other people cannot. She doesn’t make associations easily, and has only a handful of people she would ever consider her ‘friend.’ And even half of them are more contact than anything else, someone she talks to when she’s passing through an area on a job, looking for information or a place to stay. There are maybe six people on the entire planet she trusts.

She has a very analytical mind, capable of puzzling out traps and tricks with ease. The downside of that is she has a lot of trouble refusing a puzzle or a challenge, wanting to solve every one that slides across her life. She is obsessive about details, everything from a clean home to memorizing the route through a building for a job, and will attempt to ‘fix’ situations that get out of hand. The only real exception to this is paperwork…while she keeps herself organized, she rarely keeps her papers in any sort of pattern. To be fair though, she despises having things written down, preferring electronic records that are more easily destroyed and less easily associated with her, or oral agreements.

She is dedicated to her job, and extremely loyal to the concept of a ‘contract.’ Unless absolutely necessary, she will not break an agreement once she has forged one, and cannot be bribed or goaded into doing so. That’s not to say she’ll pursue a target endlessly…if a situation becomes too dangerous, or it becomes obvious the information she was given is incorrect, Mireille will call of a job immediately, preferring to retreat and regroup rather than risk failing, or worse yet, getting killed.

She is extremely intelligent, a necessary skill in her profession, and has learned to absorb and manipulate information very quickly…languages, floor plans, fighting techniques, she will go over them until she has them perfectly, and usually in far less time than it takes others. Her uncle drove a sense of perfection into her, and it shows, especially in the little details of her life like cooking or how her books are organized. Or how often she waters her plant.

Her relationships tend to be distant, not quite emotionless but the emotion itself isn’t really necessary for the connection…she rarely lets herself dally, never while she’s home and especially not when she is travelling for a job. The fewer people who are familiar with her, the better. She does tend to get wrapped up in people though, and her emotions can betray her some then…but more often it is the fear of a person, rather than the attraction of a person, that she will lose herself in. While she could, in theory, worry about whether or not a friend cares for her, she is more likely to worry about how an enemy is going to kill her or outsmart her.

Of course, she is capable of romantic attachments…she’s just been very careful not to let it happen.

Killing is not something that came naturally to her, it was a skill she had to learn, but learning it has had a strong effect on her. Life has become a commodity for her, a game of weight and balance…that person is worth that, this person is necessary for this. She made a promise to Kirika, her partner…when they solved the mystery, when they found out what was happening…Mireille would kill her. And she has every intention of following through with that. No matter how close the two may become, that thought will never be far from her mind.

And she means it.


ACCEPTED rosestolilies November 21 2010, 06:08:45 UTC
♥ Welcome to Queen of Hearts!

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