Still alive

Mar 27, 2014 19:35

Just... a quick update on my life since last time I bothered logging in here

I'm still in university in Kristiansand, studying translation and intercultural communication.
I'm going to have to spend the next year in an English speaking country so I've chosen to go to York st.John university in England for the autumn semester and then do an internship with STP in Southampton after Christmas.

I absolutely love living on my own, and these past months have been some of the best and most relaxed and stress free months of my life. Getting away from having my family up in my face 24/7 has been really good for my mental health.

my 21st birthday is coming up this Monday. It's strange. I've had this journal since march 5th, 2009, and I'd been lurking around on LJ for months even before that. But when I signed up I was a month from turning 16... and now I'm getting all nostalgic.

Anyway I'm going out to get pizza with three of my classmates on Monday, then we're gonna go watch Captain America at the movies. It's gonna be nice.

not much else to say. I'd say it was because I've been so busy studying, but in truth it's because I've been sitting on my ass doing pretty much nothing.



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