Gazette meme

Jun 18, 2011 10:10

I'm pretty sure I did this one a long time ago, but I guess I'll do it again, as I've grown a lot since then xD

1) What is your name?
Let's just go with Siseja for now :3

2) Where are you from?

3. How long have you been a Gazette fan?
well if you count from the first moment i heard a Gazette song and decided I liked it... ... ... 3 years?

4) How did you first come across the GazettE?
Tári forced me to watch their Cassis PV while she was repeatedly pointing out Reita, going "Doesn't he look like Bou! 8DDD" .... honestly, to this day, I still have NO IDEA where that came from, and she's denying it ever happened xD

5) Who is your favorite member?
Ruki... or Aoi... or Reita *can't decide*

6) What do you like about your favorite member?
I'll just go for Ruki then xD He's short and adorable, yet hardcore AND HOT. Also I love how strong and determined he is, having kept on following his dream to be a rock star even after he was kicked out by his parents and disowned. He's truly admirable.

7) What is something you would like to know about your favorite member?
How it's like to hug him :3

8) Which of the members have you written fanmail/letters to?
None of them xD But I think I replied to one of Aoi's tweets once. Does that count? It was just a random comment though...

9) What is something that changed about you when you became a fan of the GazettE?
Not all that much xD I started off very slow, and I was already getting into a whole lot of other jrock bands at the time. And to be honest, I don't consider myself that big of a fan either... but I do love and admire them
oh well

10) What is your favorite GazettE song and why?
Nakigahara. I just simply love the depressing atmosphere and the lyrics... oh the lyrics <33
It's a song that's easy to cry along to if you're reading something sad or in a depressed mood. It's helped me release a lot of tension through the years

11) What is the song you’d most like to hear live?
Nakigahara again. I want to hear Ruki sing the last part. It makes me tear up every single time I watch live videos of him singing it, and I want to experience it first hand.

12) What is the song you listen to when you feel down or sad?
xD Nakigahara.

13) When you are ill, which song makes you feel better?
by the Gazette? Uhm... Filth in the Beauty, I guess? :3 And Invisible Wall

14) What song do you listen to when you’re happy?
Siroki Yuutsu I guess? xD

15) Which song has influenced you the most?
the Invisible wall xD It gave me my shiny-black-leather-glove obsession/fetish :3

16. The first Gazette song you ever heard:

17) Is there a song you can sing perfectly without having to look at the lyrics?
nope xD

18) What is a GazettE song you’d like to sing at Karaoke?
I love singing along to all the songs I listen to xD but I guess Filth in the Beauty would be the most fun one?

19) Have you seen the GazettE live?
nope, never

20) If you have, what were your thoughts? If you haven’t, are you planning on attending a live?
only if they ever get anywhere near where I am, I guess? xD

21) At violent GazettE lives, where do you stand? Or if you’ve never been to a violent live, where would you stand?
AT THE FRONT 8D pinned up against the edge of the stage ^^

22) What style do you (or want to) attend GazettE lives in?
my own

23) What are a few necessities for attending a GazettE live?
stud belt? xD

24) Do you (or would you) always fill out the after-live questionnaire?

25) Is there anything you’ve started collecting because of the GazettE?

26) Which GazettE costumes do you like the best?
I think.. Aoi's Cassis or Guren costumes.... also I LOVE Kai's Before I Decay hair *__*

27) What is one item you like (or would like to have) in GazettE’s goods range?
Gazette condoms :3

28) What is your cell phone’s ringtone?
A guitar solo xD but by Hizaki, not by anyone from the Gazette, sorry to disappoint

29) What’s your cell phone’s wallpaper?

30) What is your cell phone strap?
don't have one

31) What is your PC wallpaper?
Tatsuro and Kanon xD

32) Does your email address have something to do with the GazettE?
nope xD just me

33) Where is a place that you go to frequently?
Outland? L54? Library?

34) What’s your favorite store?
Outland :3

35) What’s your favorite CD store? xD

36) What is a magazine that you read frequently?
Shonen Jump?

37) Recommended CD?
Jealkb's Invade album?

38) Do you have any pets?
Three cats :3

39) Do you visit the GazettE OHP frequently? Which page do you visit the most?
pretty much never xD I did once for a school assignment though. Pledge was playing prettily :3

40) Who’s another artist besides the GazettE who you think is noteworthy?
MUCC, Versailles, D'espairsRay (;___;), SID, Jealkb, Karasu, Matenrou Opera, Nightmare, Sadie, Antic Cafe, Miyavi, Screw, mucc mucc mucc mucc MUCC

41) Which artists do you like that are signed to PS Company?
Gazette.. uhm... does Miyavi still count? Screw. And Alice Nine, only in certain cases.

42) Who is a member whose words you were surprised by (magazine, MC, radio show, etc.)?
Kai. Apparently he is turned on by shy girls. That's a new one xD

43) If you could become one of the members for a day, who would you chose and why?
Aoi. I wonder how it's like to play the guitar and not hate it xD And also to have skills in playing it. And what it's like to actually be so fucking hot and gorgeous 24/7

44) If the world ceased to exist tomorrow, which member would you like to spend your last moments with?
Kai, I think... I'd kinda depend on him to light up the situation xD

45) Which member would you like to go to karaoke with?
Uruha xD his singing voice is just as bad as mine, I wouldn't be embarrassed

46) Which member would you like to go drinking with?
DEFINITELY not Uruha xD I think I'd stick to Ruki, someone lightweight who know how to drink with style

47) Which member would you like to go to an oshare bar with?
Kai. He just seems like the most pleasant and positive guy to go with xD

48) Which member would you like to cook for?
Aoi xD apparently he's the band's worst cook and therefore wouldn't judge me as much as the others would

49) What order do you think each member would change the most when drunk (least to most)?
Uruha, as he's drinking all the time anyway, Kai, as he's pretty sensible, Ruki as he knows to handle himself drunk, Reita, getting loudmouthed and probably violent if provoked, Aoi... all plastered over the walls xD this is just my theory however, I have no idea how they ACTUALLY behave when drunk xD

50) Who would make the longest telephone calls (shortest to longest)?
Reita, Uruha, Ruki, Aoi, Kai

51) If you had to substitute in a GazettE live, which part would you choose to play?
Bass xD it's the only think I ALMOST know how to play... I can almost sing too, but NO WAY IN HELL I'M REPLACING RUKI.

52) What’s one (physical) thing you like about the GazettE?


53) What was your first impression of Ruki?

54) What name do you call him by?
Ruki xD

55) Are you good at drawing?
I'm... moderate? xD

56) Have you fallen off a jungle gym?

57) If Ruki were really your brother, friend, lover or etc, how would you feel?
friend = I HAVE THE MOST AWESOME FRIEND EVER who bitches a lot, but who cares?
lover = *too busy ripping his clothes off*


58) What was your first impression of Uruha?
he's staring at me. why is he staring at me?

59) What name do you call him by?

60) Did you know at first that his name was pronounced “Uruha?”
uhm... yeah? obviously?

61) Do you gargle every day?
hardly ever xD

62) If Uruha were really your brother, friend, lover or etc, how would you feel?
friend = KOUYOU DAMMAT! STOP STEALING MY MAKEUP! (that I never use)
lover = *talks into having threesome with Aoi*


63) What was your first impression of Aoi?
I WANT GUITAR SKILLS LIKE THAT!! o__O ... oh wait, I HATE playing guitar =3=

64) What name do you call him by?

65) Do you have a lip/navel piercing?
no. I seriously wanna pierce my lip though

66) Were you born in the city?
no, I'm a farmer's daughter xD

67) If Aoi were really your brother, friend, lover or etc, how would you feel?
lover = *not even bothering with removing clothes before hot sex occurs*


68) What was your first impression of Reita?
NO, HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE BOU! where did you even get that idea from anyway???

69) What name do you call him by?

70) What do you call the noseband he wears?

71) Out of the Shinkansen, which do you think is the fastest?
the very very fast one

72) If Reita were really your brother, friend, lover or etc, how would you feel?
friend = *clings to*
lover = *hot sex occurs*


73) What was your first impression of Kai?
ok, guy on drums, drumming, how origina- OMG LOOK HOT GUY ON GUITAR

74) What name do you call him by?

75) Are you good at cooking?
no way in hell

76) Where do you think the state of New Jersey is?
in the US?

77) If Kai were really your brother, friend, lover or etc, how would you feel?
friend = *clings to tightly*
lover = *makes out with*

78) What one or two kanji (or just one word) can you describe each member with? No kanji for the foreigner.
Ruki = Determination
Uruha = Drunkard
Aoi = Sex
Reita = Manriness
Kai = Loving support (two words, but who cares?)

79) What animal do you compare each member to?
Ruki = Chihuahua
Uruha = fox
Aoi = Incubus
Reita = Manri cockatoo
Kai = Lioness

80) What color do you compare each member to?
Ruki = Silver
Uruha = Purple
Aoi = Crimson
Reita = White
Kai = Golden brown

81) What is GazettE, according to you?
xD a band

82) What are your expectations for the GazettE from now on?
make many great eargasming albums :3


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