stolen from colberry :3
01: Which is your favorite fic?
BAAH hard question to answer =w= but I guess it's HOS; House of Sin, by Luna-senpai ( ). There are TONS of EPIC fics out there, bit I'm especially attatched to this one, not only because it's so beautifully well written and the plot is wonderfully complicated and well thought out, but also because I've been following it from the start, fighting for her to update every single chapter for almost two years now. The fic is nearing its end, and when it does, I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to feel. But I still can't wait for it.
02: Which is your best-received fanfic?
Uhm, I THINK that's my "Oh My Gackt" crack fic xD I did get a lot of responses for Like there's Two too, but most of them were whining about the ending :3
03: Which is your worst-received fanfic?
Oh lol, well I can't remember having gotten any downright negative replies to any of my works, so I guess I'll go for the least popular one then? But then again Freezing isn't as much a fanfic as it is a short, written piece. Well, I dunno really =w= I just started typing a couple of years ago and that's what came out, and looking at it I realize why almost no one ever commented on it. meh
04: Which is your most angsty fic?
Why do these questions only get harder and harder? I THINK it's either Like there's Two or Crimson Red. Initially they're pretty similar. Sparks is pretty angsty too, but there is less guilt there and more tragedy. But looking overall I think I'm going to go with Like there's Two xD
05: Which is your funniest fic?
Oh my Gackt, definitely xD I was chuckling to myself while reading it. It was fun :3
06: Smuttiest?
Siseja doesn't write smut xD I dunno why I just don't... feel confident enough to write it? But I did write uhm... some kind of sex in Like there's two .... ... I feel like i'm repeating the same fic names over and over and over again here xD
07: Fluffiest?
I don't think I've EVER written anything fluffy =w=
08: Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
Well i've gotten a lot of reports of teary eyes, but only one about actual crying, which was a comment to Crimson Red :3
09: Which fic frustrates you the most?
Pretty much every single one of them =w= I look at other people's awesome writing and then at my own written doodles and feel the urge to hide under a rock. The other fics are the worst
10: Which fic was the most fun to write?
Again, Oh my Gackt was insanely fun to do xD
11: Who is your favorite OC that you've ever created?
xD the OC I created after Tári and her insane random madness xD it was fun, but I gave up on that fic a long time ago
12: Are you better at oneshots or multi-parts?
Oneshots I guess? I like just randomly jumping into a horrible situation and write the final tragic moment with as much heartbreak and drama as possible :3
13: Which character do you think you're the best at portraying?
to be honest I don't really think I'm all that good at portraying ANYONE, I'm just writing them how I feel like writing them and what I think would suit them. And then I just hope for the best :3
14: What character is most difficult to portray?
Characters I don't know all that much about, that I haven't read fics about before and so on. I need to have a general idea about a personality before I start portraying them, don't I?