Continue on my day

Jun 23, 2005 00:39

I have mentioned to one journal user, I am still upset my current beau or whatever I should call now. Since April, I've been doing the opposite of what he dislike me in the past: being overbearing, not intruding his privacy...etc..
Time is running out for me (Siena wise)before switching to corporate and had requested him to at least take a half day sometime next week.He still refuses and explained his theory of wasting his time on working his bathroom. My sticth on this situation is that he had all his time to work on the bathrooom.. I was not around during the last fews months before the breakup and 4 months during the breakup so he enough time to work and finish his project. He's been saying yes to attend previous to who else: Family & Friends. I told him that I left him alone during the 2-3 hours afterwork and the weekends and only spend time (eating dinner-that means cooking your own meals and eating different times and watching TV : watching his favorite TV shows) during 7-10pm. Did I mention he passes out on the couch at 9.I feel like I have been taken for granted and he had the odascity to tell me that I'm overbearing...What is overbearing if I did not see the guy!So when told me about his feelings of taking a half day and explaining he wants to hide from everyone asking him to do something...I told him that I'm giving the green light to sell the Yankee tix on 7/4 and not attend my family's luau so he can work on the bathroom. Just sacrifice his time with me since he can't do that with his family and friends. I don't want to hear his bitching and resent hanging out with me.

What really frustrates me is that he told his parents about my health situation. Like my dear friend Kristina said I shouldn't explain myself to his parents how I got into this mess. I told him what is there to say if there is no answer. I resent him for telling his parents. His reason was to seek medical advice from his doctor who is a doctor and keep an open relationship. I felt like telling him "Are you that open to tell them that you're 33 and still smoking pot despite taking albuterol, you have a semi-twisted fetish that I discover"
ooohhh I am so pissed.
I don't care if his parents are compared as the Huxtables, but I think like all parents, if their child tells how bad the partner is or what medical the partner has...the parents will look down regardless and steer their child away from the partner because they are only concerned with their child NOT THEIR PARTNER...I feel that he planted a bad seed to have their parents think that I'm a terrible companion for him. He wants the two of us to talk with his parents....I feel that I will end up explaining while sits back doing nothing. I also feel I have nothing to shell for...His two sister-in-laws fit particularly to their mold. One lost ties with her parents, change her name and producing obedient children while the other is wealthy enough to buy property in cambridge and can let their son ride in her coat tails. I probably get a dirty look from them and maybe treat me like shit wish someone better for him.
I feel like telling him "You don't trust me, You can't bury the situation and to move on to a positive direction of the relationship; therefore it's over.."
I was thinking I should stay away from though I living with him...get a second job instead of spending "quality" time and one day move to a new place without giving any contact information. Just leave an envelope of the rent, pack my things and move while away from the house. I am so close of doing that soon.... At this rate, it's either he clean up the mess with his parents and be more compassionate with me..OR I take the initiative to end the relationship...I shouldn't take this shit!
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