“Buddha. Their god. Lying on his side in the museum. Taking it easy with his hand under his cheek.”

Feb 15, 2007 21:38

I climbed the highest mountain in Ireland!

Macgillycuddy’s Reeks in Kerry
Or “Na Cruacha Dubha” meaning “The Black Tops”
This vale: the Hag’s Glen.

Corrán Tuathail meaning meaning "Tuathal's sickle" in Irish.
1,039 m

The range is made of Devonian sandstone that was once highly glaciated, but my geologist friend gave me a much more in-depth description of the formation of the mountain range that deviates from the encyclopedia’s.


Maíra and Karin.

“As decent a little man as ever wore a hat.”

I’d love to come back in the summer for a higher-altitude swim & picnic. As long as I’m not frog-marched into this cold water.

Kinda looks like a cyclone!

Feckin’ “Throws Like a Girl” revivalist.

Whetted, splintery, serrated mountain peak!

The Reeks (all red sandstone).


More contentment:
- the traditional music session I went to last Friday: 13 musicians playing harps, accordions, flutes, violins, banjos, drums, spoons, tin flutes, other wind instruments, voice boxes…
- trampoline training with Gavin! Taking trampolining seriously. Flips & twists & keeping your body straight. I just want to play popcorn.
- Amanda Carter is in Cork for the weekend?!
- James Joyce is all I need in my life right now to sustain high levels of satisfaction and pleasure. Joy. Also Professor Kearney.
- Athleticism! Every week I: swim 3 miles (not all at once), climb 1 mountain, run 6 km, boulder or do a few courses at the climbing wall, and 1 hour of yoga. Very few things satisfy me as much as physical activity.
- I met the highest-ranking climber in Ireland last night & will go to Wales with him and a handful of others in one month (to climb Snowdon: the highest mountain in Wales. Among other things.)! Eoin. He’s really adorable (what is it with me and climbers? More importantly, why does “adorable” denote the most attractive kind of human? I’m five).
- the Jordanian almonds my mom sent me for Valentine’s Day (also the only ‘cute’ joke she’s ever sent me. It’s of this fully grown man crowding himself under a coffee table, trying to reach his kitty, mumbling: “Quit playing hard to pet.”)
- the dessert I have in front of me right now: a sliced mango tossed with dried cranberries, cinnamon & sugar.
- I am invited to visit Pierre in Haute-Savoie to go skiing in the French Alps. Woah! Pretty expensive to get there, though.
- Haunted house next weekend!
- www.whatsthatbug.com
- My parents are really wonderful people.
- New Partner & I Send My Love to You. Picturing Dara dancing to them!
- Late night Dara:

Me: Joyce used "relish" in both senses as a food item & as a verb of prolonged enjoyment. It was so satisfying.
Dara: You’re a big nerd. Quote?
Me: "Mr Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls." (...."He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes....")

Me: Like the written word much better than the spoken.
Dara: feckin Derridean. So you like enforcing the stringencies of lettering upon the fluidity of speech? Fascist.
Me: There’s always phonetics for nuances [noo-ahns].
Dara: [noo-sahns]

Dara: are you annoyed because i referred to my organisational knowledge of you?
Me: HAHA. That can be read in two ways. Awful.
Dara: we're atheists. we aren't able to have knowledge in the biblical sense.
Me: No, not what I mean. What’s the root of organizational?
Dara: organization organnisae organ very good
Me: double entendres.
Dara: irridentist Jacobin.
Me: or mind in the gutter.
Dara: you're the most intellectually lewd person I know. Goodnight, dream of dictionaries.

Does it make you queasy?

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