Comment here to find out what Theresa *really* thinks of your character.
The truth, I mean, not just what she'd tell you, and not just what she thinks she thinks.
And why not, I'll do the commentary one too.
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She's willing to look the other way a lot of times when it comes to John, because she had to do the whole "proving I'm 'good' now when I used to be 'bad'" thing, and if he can get accepted for it then it means she can too. She's probably a little too forgiving of him, but she's entirely convinced he would never do anything to conciously hurt her, and she can trust him with her life. Which she does.
She's protective of him, especially after the whole Death March thing, but she would never want to seemm like she's protecting him. Mostly she worries like hell about him, and wants nothing more than for him to be happy.
Since she's an only child, she likes to categorize her friends as family. John she sees almost as her twin brother. Older would imply he protects her all time, younger meaning she protects him, and since they're more or less on even footing, and have been through similar situations, that makes them twins. Fraternal, not identical.
He's quite touched by her support of him, and how much she cares, and how willing she is to accept him. The fact that she hired him for the Center? Is something he will NEVER forget, and never disrespect. He works hard and wants to do good, because he wants to do something for her that she can be proud of.
John is notices a lot more then he lets on - he sees what Terry's going through. And he wants to help her more then anything - he just doesn't know how, and he thinks he's "crap at stuff like that" and leaves it to people like Jean-Paul, who are much better with people and 'saving' them then he is. He helps the way he can - doing good for her, and trying to focus on the positive stuff. He can't deal with his own problems and that's what he does - focuses on the good stuff. He takes that approach with Terry too, and sort of senses that it's mutual.
But, he feels immense guilt when it comes to Terry. He's apologized time and time again for it, and time and time again she tells him not too, so he's stopped - but he still feels it. It's bottled up tight inside, but he knows it's there.
He too, as a single child and someone who grew up with virtually no family for most the time, creates families of his own. He has a new one now, and Terry is definitely in it. He hasn't categorized it the same way (though the mun here thinks the 'twin' analogy is PERFECT) but he does see her as a sister. He is definitely very protective of her, and loves her dearly.
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