
Mar 11, 2004 23:56

At this point rumours have started flying around, and, if we are to believe it, there seems to exist a letter, directed to a Arabic journal in London, in which Al-Qaeda has taken responsibility of the attack.

The Spanish Government is taking this with caution, since they sat there is not real confirmation of it yet, but, they have informed that security forces have found a van left behind. In said van, the police has also found a tape in Arabic with versicles of the Coram. This would point towards some kind of Arabic terrorist group as a possible participant of the attack.

An online Spanish journal also posts to some excerpts of said letter. This is a lose translations of them:

- We have successfully infiltrated in the Herat of Spain and destroy one of the principal pillars of the Crusaders’ Alliance, Spain.

- Aznar, where is America now? Who will protect you from us: United Kingdom, Japan, Italy…?

- This is a way to settle up old debts with Spain, crusader and ally of America in its war against Islam.

- We, Abu Hafs al-Masri brigades, do not have pity for dominated civilians.

- If it’s ok for you to kill our children, women, old people and youths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Cachemira, why should it be forbidden to us to kill your people?

It's still unknown if this supposed letter is truthful or not. But it’s also rumoured that in it, the supposed terrorists tell that they have another attack ready at 90% but they don’t say where (some say that perhaps in America).

What made our Government say that ETA was the only group was the modus operandi of the whole act of terror. On last year’s Christmas’ Eve a train with destination Madrid was stopped and several artefacts were detected inside. The plan was to make those bombs explode when the train arrive to the Chamartín station on Madrid (That station was in the north of Madrid. Today’s station was in the south). A couple of weeks ago, ETA operatives were caught trying to get into Madrid a van with 500kg of explosives that could have caused a carnage even bigger than today’s. Everyone coincided that ETA wanted to commit an act of terror of great relevance because our country was in the middle of a politic campaign for the presidential elections.

All political parties have decided to stop their respective campaigns and to show an united front, forgetting their differences, to face this attack to our freedom.

The current number of victims is:

Dead: 192

Injured: 1421

The task of identificating the corpses is said to be horrible, since there are lots of dead persons totally disfigured or dismembered.
I cannot do anything but send all my support to those families that find themselves in this totally devastating situation.

Latest News: The terrorist group ETA is supposed to send a press release at midnight (23:00 GTM) today. I suppose we’ll know then if this attack was made by them or not.

Edited: We still don't know anything about ETA's release. Some sources are saying that the supposed leter to the Arabic Journal in London was in fact an email, congratulating the attacks instead admiting the culpability. So, the current situation is that we don't know anything for sure.
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