Feb 21, 2005 18:48
seven things that scare you:
1. Fear
2. the dark
3. Separation from God
4. David
5. Women
6. Sharks
7. Things I can't see underwater
five things that make you laugh:
1. Being stupid with my brother
2. Friends
3. Boy Meets World
4. My grandmother
5. bad british accents
eight things you love:
1. Spending time with Jesus
2. Food
3. Cambridge Coffee
4. Sleep
5. Florida
6. Making movies
7. Theatre
8. Guitar
9. London
seven things you hate:
1. Satan
2. People who are oblivious to what they are doing
3. Women
4. Sharks
5. blah
6. blah
7. blah
two things that make you cry
1. certain movies....
2. nothing else
seven things you don't understand:
1. Women
2. Women
3. Women
4. Women
5. Women
6. Women
7. Women
seven things on your desk:
1. Chocolate
2. Orange juice
3. Barney Fife
4. School Coupons
5. Cds
6. Cell phone
7. Me
right now you are:
1. Exhausted
2. Sore
3. Tired
4. anxious... i dont know why
5. watching FRIENDS
6. digesting chocolate
7. wondering how bad my birthday is going to be
two facts about you:
1. Sometimes I'm not sure if anythings worth it...
2. Well, if your reading this, you probably already know me
things you look for in that special someone:
1. They aren't mean to me
seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Move away from here across the seas
2. get 2 or 3 tatoos
3. go extreme sporting with my brother
4. Be in a band
5. Bring Jesus to the world through the media