It's a beautiful late-summer morning, 68 degrees and sunny, with just a hint of cool air in shadows under the trees. I'm biking to work on side-streets because I don't think bicycles belong on major roads, and I come to a stop at an uncontrolled intersection. I need to turn left but there is traffic coming, so I wait for them to pass. A car pulls up behind me, and then starts impatiently edging around me to my left. I make the legal left-turn hand signal in front of them to let them know I'm turning left, but as soon as I start turning they rev their engine and try to pass, nearly grazing my bike with their bumper. I don't yell or flip them off - I merely make a stop sign with my hand. They screech to a halt and scream "fuck you!" twice out the window.
This sort of thing happens about once a week.