Sep 01, 2004 13:02
Leisure life:
Everything has been such a blur since coming back from Chicago. Lots to write but no time to put the adventure into words. Lots of partying and debauchery. Pete's Bachelor party was a blast. Still have dick whistles and condoms as souveniers. Told everyone at work about Ali G. It's Gonna have a plentiful busy weekend to keep it interesting.
Got a copy of Reason from Matt. Gonna see if my slow ass laptop will run it. In exchange, I am showing him some tricks to do with it.
Professional life:
Looking at funeral home jobs in the area. Sent over a resume to Schultz in East Pointe. Spoke with the fun director and seems pretty laid back over the phone. Hope I get an interview before semester starts next week. *crosses fingers*
Bought most of my books online. This semester is the most I've spent on books in my entire college career. It wouldve cost over $500 but due to the wonderous interweb, I'm saving half that. I visited the ghetto medical book store and they don't have hardly any books in yet. So far I'm pleased to go the online route.
I misread my financial aid statement thinking that my refund check will only be $35. After talking with my coworker who worked at acct payable long ago, she said I will be getting the amount under REFD. That equals $1100. Yay!
Still need to find out why WSU is charging a open registration fee of $35. And why it isnt covered under fin aid.
Now the waiting game begins....