So mom called today.
Wasn't upset at all. Even though she threatened earlier this week to call on sunday to "discuss" the dropping of the physics....
But no discussion took place... Did she forget? Does she not care anymore? Do I care anymore?
No? Good.
On the plus side I found out that the on campus meal-place that is the FURTHEST POSSIBLE DISTANCE FROM ME sell the everly delicious and wonderful japanese treat, Pocky.
They no longer have any flavours besides milk as I bought them all. Sure they only had two boxes of one other flavour, but guess who's going back tommorow on restock day to by the rest of the pocky they might get?
Mr. Has$900ofFoodMoneyLeftForAMonthandAHalfofSchool. That's who. Cause I got way too many meal dollars. And they have wayyyy too many boxes of pocky that I need to consume.
I stole a tank in GTA: Vice City and managed to cram it in my garage. Go me.
Heart of Fire
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