Apr 03, 2006 00:53
Brought about while reading Sociology
tolerance n 1: the act or practice of tolerating; esp : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from one's own 2: the allowable deviation from a standard
tolerate vb 2: to allow to be or to be done without hindrance syn stand
Pertinence to sexual nonconformity (in my view): I dislike the word tolerance, because that means you don't have to like it, but you'll put up with it. Tolerance for GLBTQ people is not what we need. We don't need your sympathy. "I don't agree with it, but I can stand it." How would that sound for any other minority? "I don't like Asian people, but I'll put up with them." Are you serious?
accept vb 1: to receive willingly 2: to agree to
acceptance n 1: the act of accepting 2: the state of being accepted or acceptable
acceptable adj :capable or worthy of being accepted
Pertinence: Some would say that acceptance of gay issues is the right thing. But take a look at the definitions. The state of being accepted or acceptable. So what you're telling me is that we have to be worthy of being accepted? We have to prove something to you to be accepted? You have to agree to us? It's like saying, "Everyone else thinks you're wrong, but I agree with your views." It's like saying there was something wrong in the first place, and now you're agreeing to allow it. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think there's anything wrong to begin with.
appreciate vb 1: to value justly 2: to be aware of 3: to be grateful for 4: to increase in value -- appreciation n
Pertinence: Now this is what I'm talking about. Take a minute and appreciate the things that sexual nonconformity has done for everyone. Take a minute and appreciate the fact that one can be true to themselves and live the lifestyle that they can. Appreciate the struggle that we have to go through, as one would appreciate the struggles of the Civil Rights and Woman's Movements. Think were we would be if they hadn't fought.
I am well aware that I should have been spending the time writing this to write the summary for the article I read for Sociology. However, while reading the article, the word tolerate just kept ringing in my head. While being the Co-Chair of Safe Space, I was able to see the difference in the meanings and uses of these words. If you have continued to read this entry to this point, I appreciate you, and the time you spent reading. Maybe this can help you when you talk about sexual nonconformity and other issues.