Oct 14, 2007 02:29
so ric asked me a question the other night that's been boggling my mind...
"so why do you drink?"
from what i like to call "pain go bye-bye juice" is just a shallow reason. but like drinking, i've learned not to overkill, excess, and not have too many expectations on things.
a much needed pana smash, dose of pinkberry, and a sexified soul gig taught me to maintain being busy. but a good busy.
speaker sonia aranza layed down the following guideline. the first in fact to my method of madness "good busy"
1) confront your limitations
she uses the word confront instead of conquer. limitations instead of fear. for some reason i found this well said and well put. for some reason god has given us these little increments of time called "days". each one same as the last. sun up, sun down.
i prefer to call these days "chances". not second chances, or last chances. but a chance to not only do, but move.
i feel that not only as a filipino american, but as an asian american in general, we all tend to limit ourselves to what seems to be our realistic best.
you gotta be the nurse, the doctor, the engineer, the businessman. you need to make the money.
and on the other hand, we filipinos here have a subculture unlike any asian american. dance troupes, clubbing events, and musicians....are our own version of celebrity.
but as much as i'm an advocate of all this, i feel that theres so much more we can do.
i need to confront my limitations...
we need to confront our limitations.
to be continued...