Next CoT Idea

Oct 23, 2009 21:54

This one might be more of a short story, or might go into something else.

A couple changes to the history. First, the Cataclysm refers to the event when two factions on another continent fought each other in an overly long and bloody war of magic that devastated it completely. A group of fellans on one of the coasts had invented a machine using ritual magic (permanent) that would take a large chunk of land and lift it into the sky. They escaped the devastation, and headed across the ocean to the continent that will be mostly used. The time this happened varies from 3,000 to 10,000 years prior to the first CoT story. 3,000 sounds more realistic to me, though maybe 4,000 is better.
Between that time and the time of this short story, the elves come from the southern forests and jungles, and inhabit the southern half of the main continent. They meet the humans and the kobolds, and attempt to teach them culture, government, etc. The humans go under the wing of the elves, though the kobolds are reluctant to give them too much influence over them. Both of the two races tell of a mysterious object in the sky, that appears and dissappears at random.

Now, the story. What happens is the machine the fellan island reaches its limit. Due to the efforts of the supervisor of the machine (Breanne) via a blood ritual (blood is considered the pathway of magic, and using one's own blood creates very powerful magic), and the leader of the fellans (Caine) using a runic sword, the island lands safely. The elves, kobolds and humans saw this, and send emisarries to investigate. They come across the fellans, and the two sides meet; luckily, they speak the same language through the humans. They have an exchange of cultures that night, with Caine making good friends with the Shogun of the kobolds, Hibiki. However, upon seeing the use of magic, the elven delegate goes wild, calling the fellans blasphemous. A meeting is held the next day, with Caine proclaiming that it was not yet time for diplomacy between them all, so he announces that the other three must leave until the fellans had time to settle down. A barrier is set up using the leftovers of the island's machines.

Some years later, the Arcane War breaks out, with the elves versus everyone else. The calender is started here now.
This is how this could be more than a short story. But, it's an idea I thought about typing up. Army vs. army battles, politics, diplomacy, drama, sword fights, magic fights, probably a good deal.

chronicles of terra, writing

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