Apr 14, 2006 01:06
Ok, Mr. Murphy, please go home now, your services are no longer required here...
My last few weeks in a nutshell...
- vacation
- good news: nothing like consolidating and telling some ppl to go fly a kite...
- Putting my dog to sleep
- ACDA Ticket by a State Trooper...I was in a line of 6 tailgating cars all going 75 one morning...I was singled out...gee I wonder why...let's see out of 6...2 red cars, a brown one, 2 blues...and a yellow. Which of these does not belong? Yep, that was me. They only got me for the ACDA and not speeding which was oh so nice of them... $77 later and $24.95 to take an online course to get them to dismiss the ticket...UGH
- Food poisoning...oh joy...I got to miss Rory's first soccer game this year where she (I guess) totally kicked arse...and missed the bowling for kid's sake event later. Was off work 3 days until today...ICK
- Furnace decides to stop working on the coldest day of the weekend. Broken element or starter thingie...wtf'ever it's called. $110.
I'm sure there's some more...but those are the highlights for now...
Now I'm off to bed...I need to get my Defensive Driving Course completion certificate to the Court tomorrow morning before I go to work so I can get that over with and off my back.
Hope everyone has a good Easter.