
Jan 18, 2007 17:05

What a yucky mucky day. I don't think I've seen slush this deep. I was treading through ankle deep ponds of slush that went for blocks. And then at the corners you would step off and...sink into even yuckier slush. YUCK! 
However on the bright side our school's incredible crapness and its poor decripate state has been exposed to the rest of Vancouver! Finally maybe something will get done to save our school from collapse- or to at least get some funds to build a new one! Alternately we can always write to white Oprah aka Ellen deGeneres!!! 
Welcome back Liz! Glad you had a mostly awesome time in Mexico!

High school deteriorating
Survey shows leaking ceilings, mold and rodents

Teachers at New Westminster Secondary School are besieged by leaking ceilings, cracked windows, mold and rodents, according to a draft survey obtained by Metro yesterday.

The survey, compiled at the beginning of December by the New Westminster Teachers’ Union (NWTU), paints a picture of the deteriorating conditions at the 46-year-old public school.

"(Maintenance workers) have been doing a heroes’ effort to try and keep the place habitable," said Grant Osborne, the union vice-president who compiled the survey. "We’ve got every problem under the sun at that building right now."

He said teacher morale is low and that the conditions are negatively affecting student learning.

Among the issues that were identified by roughly 60 teachers who took part in the survey were rooms that were too hot or too cold, poor ventilation, silverfish infestations as well as frequent rat and mice sightings and the stink of decomposing rodents.

Also of concern is the lack of a fire alarm in the Massey gym and theatre wing.

The school, which is home to 2,100 students and 120 teachers, is scheduled for replacement and demolition has already begun.

The project, however, was put on hold this spring when replacement bids exceeded the budget by $20-million. The Ministry of Education has refused to pony-up the shortfall and has appointed an independent consultant to prepare a report and get the project back on track.
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