Grade 11 Schedule!!!

Aug 24, 2006 10:13

Woahwoahwoah I got my schedule today!!! This is CRAZY!! I know what classes I have, what blocks I have them in and who my teachers are!!! Did they do this in the past? I didn't think so. I thought we only got a list of the classes we were signed up for. Oh well!! I have spare in D block. YES!!!!!- I think. Maybe this will mean I'll just skip instead of actually working...on the bright side though it means that I could just go home and work. And it works out well for volunteering and stuff at elementary schools if I want to start up my after-school Netball program there. However I won't be able to help out at the breakfast program at the church, which I quite enjoy doing. But nonetheless I'm super excited to even have a spare!!! Woot woot!
Here's the golden egg (aka the schedule in normal people's terms):
Day 1:
A- Chem11 with (*shudder*) Mr. Hughes (has he not been replaced yet?!??)
B-Bio 11- Mr. Krause (great teacher, not so great having 2 sciences in a row!! Merde!)
C- English 11- Ms. Brown (???) Who is she? Is she a good teacher? Time will tell...
D- Math Methods 11- Ms. Shannon

Day 2:
A- TOK- Ms.Richardson
B-French 11- Mme. Cote
C-History 11- Ms. Buljan (I really need to finish that book report soon...)
D- SPARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwoahahahahahaha

I also have 4 Z blocks:
Jazz Band- Mr. Tran (Is he that weirdo who was always like "Mr. Tran is not amused")
Peer Mediation
And I have English and History after school. Hooray.

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