breaking news.... (note: it's not even the 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mar 28, 2005 21:44

this just in sumone is trying to steal my identity (aka: my ssn) holy heart failure batman!!!! so yeah i got a job at target and they did a background check and this other guy's name came up as of 04/2004... dun dun dunnnnnn... but have no fear kiddies they haven't carted me off yet... i'll get to the bottom of this... and my baby (aka: my self built computer) is sick... he's dieing everyone dieing!!!! and he's only 15mnths old... so send your tax deductable donnations to me... to support my babby in his time of need... i really need help with my pooter but everyone around here knows less then i do... soo if you guys know some local computer geeks (excluding me) let me know... i have tried everything and nothing is helping... so yeah to sum up the important news brief my social security number is being stolen and my baby is dieing...

ps: i talked to elana today, it was good to hear from here cuz she was home a little and i guess she's goin to be home for the summer unlike sumone we know ::coughallycough:: so it looks like a good summer comin up can't wait lol a little over a month left woot
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