Had a simply fantastic time at the Glee Live concert this weekend. I'm so glad we went to the extremes we did to get there. We missed the entire opening act and arrived at intermission, but were relieved to discover that there was, in fact, an opening act, and we hadn't actually missed any of the Glee! 6916 capacity theatre pack to bursting, and still not a bad seat in the house (we say from the fifth-from-the-back row of the last balcony). Would definitely shell out for closer seats next time though. Totally worth it. Luckily, thanks our, um, angle, and our bitchin' camera, I was still able to get some great shots of the show. Some I'm particularly proud of are below.
(For sanity's sake, I'm referring to everyone in character, as I don't feel like looking up all the actors' names, and they performed in in character anyway.)
Tina, Brittany, and Quinn get down in their Trio.
Santana brings it.
Curt and Rachel defy gravity.
A little Gaga preview.
The girls have some sunshine fun.
Rachel and Jesse lead the encore.
Tina goes to town on True Colors.
Finale. (I was trying to get the back up kids, so they are centered, but now I wish I'd gotten Fin and Rachel in the shot as a final group shot. Alas; I still like it!)
Big finish!
The rest of my many MANY pics are