lol...I think on my last update (45738274583 years ago) I said I would start updating frequently...and we all see how that went...
I am really going to try from now on, I need to take more pictures anyways.
In game has been very good to me as of late. Although I havn't been able to get on too much lately due to life, I have found great fun in limbus, as well as the new expansion.
Limbus is a whole lot of fun, and just began doing it a few weeks ago. Now I have begun to regularly trio NW Apollyon with 2 BLM friends of mine. We are averaging about 30 coins a run, which is nice bank when you are trying to save up for shit you have wanted for a long time.
The new expansion is damn good. I really like the assault and the options sanction gives you. Usually, you have to camp some shit for a month or beat the missions in order to get the best item an expansion offers, but this time it is easily obtainable after just 20 or so merits. Multi-tasking 4tw.
I've really been procrastinating on my subjobs as of late, all I have to do is finish up smn (32 atm) and drk (10 atm) to have my application done for endgame linkshells over the summer...I'm just so god damn lazy.
I leave with a picture of me with graphics turned up, I'm starting to take A LOT more pictures than I ever did before