Soooooooooooooo, I have decided to start updating this every day that I play now, instead of just using it for browsing other people's lj's <.<;;
A few pictures is all for today, some from a month ago, some from a day ago
First 3 pictures just for Raikku!
And then last night I finally complete my nin sub and decide to go see what I can do in Monastic Cavern. I get there figuring to solo mobs for Quake...and to my HUGE suprise...
Quick /sea region and nobody even remotely close to being able to take a shot at it. Tell ls, they take their golly gee time, and, just as I would have guessed, TV shows 30 minutes later while ls still in jeuno. Would like to give a shoutout to Megaflare, biggest asscunt on the server. Was damn funny though, randomly being in the right place at the right time.
LS stuff: Uh...controversy over rules and scheduling atm, hopefully will be cleared up sometime in the next week, for im getting rather tired of it. Hopefully will start ground HNM soon, I guess ls is taking a stab at Jimmy tomorrow while I'm at work oO.